Discover how the Nutritionist, Colon Hydro therapist, Raw Chef, Author
Wendy Sebastian recovered from painful gut issues, and how you can too!


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A Guide to Heal Your Gut, gives you practical tools, recipes, and insights on how your lifestyle impacts your health and your Gut.

Do you struggle with gut issues?

Let me guide you to unlock the root cause of your gut health issues and provide insight to get solutions to transform your gut!

This comprehensive book helps you gain tools and clarity into your gut health…

The RYSE method is powerful. It provides you with a deeper understanding of your gut health and 50+ nutritious recipes to your digestion. So you can rebuild your health and restore a healthy digestive system.

Over 100 women have benefitted from their gut health and changed their lives with the RYSE method explained in this book.

The RYSE approach isn’t a cookie-cutter strategy. Instead, it gives you a personalized roadmap to start your journey of healing your gut.

Addressing the root cause at a deeper level instead of just “fixing” the symptoms.


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Meet Wendy Sebastian

The human body is a complex orchestra.

Every organ, every cell, playing its part.

And just like in any musical performance, if one instrument is out of tune, the entire symphony suffers. That’s what happened to me.

No matter how much I honed in on nutrition or sought the best therapies, there remained a deep-seated unrest within.

It’s like an itch you just can’t scratch. But let me let you in on a little secret.

Our mind and gut aren’t just connected; they’re intertwined, like a duet that’s been rehearsing for centuries. The highs and lows, the ‘fight or flight’, and ‘rest and digest’ moments are like the crescendos and diminuendos of a musical piece. For years, my life revolved around exercise, fitness, and staying in top shape.

On the surface, I was the poster child for health. But deep down, my internal symphony was anything but harmonious.

A cascade of stress, emotional baggage, and years of turmoil had taken its toll. What I didn’t realize was that our body’s hardwiring, the intricate dialogue between the brain and gut, played such a pivotal role.
This realization didn’t just strike me; it awakened a new passion.


Colon Hydrotherapist
Wendy Sebastian

A journey that led to RYSE, the Refresh Your Soul Experience. A balance of mindfulness, nutrition, and internal well-being.

But here’s the most exciting part. I’ve poured all these insights, discoveries, and years of experience into a labor of love RYSE from Within: A Guide to Heal Your GUT!

This book isn’t just a collection of pages. It’s a comprehensive guide, filled with practical advice, tools, and techniques, all aimed to help you orchestrate your own perfect symphony of health and well-being.

If that interests you, then click the “Acceess Now” button to have your copy of RYSE from Within. This link will take you to Amazon page where you can easily get your copy of the book.

Frequently Asked Questions

Colonics, also known as Colon Hydrotherapy or Colon Irrigation, is a method of removing waste from the colon without the use of drugs or laxatives. It hydrates the colon by infusing filtered water into the rectum, through a sterile rectal-disposable speculum. In a closed system there are two separate lines—water in, and waste out—to prevent any possible contamination. In the Open system, the sterile rectal-disposable speculum is one line of water in. The fecal matter is softened and loosened, which allows the peristalsis action to act. The fecal matter naturally moves throughout the colon and is evacuated. This process is naturally repeated several times during the session.

Colon Hydrotherapy is helpful with the following disorders: Constipation, Diarrhea, Flatulence, Headaches, Hemorrhoids, Intestinal parasites, Indigestion, Skin problems, and Weight problems.

Although we make no medical claims about what colon hydrotherapy can do for you. Colon hydrotherapy is a valuable procedure used to assist the body in cleansing, also a great option prior to colonoscopies. By doing this, the entire body can function better. We can only share results we hear from our clients. The benefits that clients have felt after their sessions are:

Energy/Less fatigue | Improved bowel movements | Less bloating and gas | Mental clarity | Sinus drainage | Better immune system | Relief from headaches | Relief from allergies | Relief from low back pain | Reduction of menstrual cramps | Weight loss | Better absorption | Fewer food cravings | Less inflammation/body aches | Heals digestive issues

New to Colon Hydrotherapy? Start here.

Colon hydrotherapy is valuable to people for different reasons.

Colon Hydrotherapy is used for colon health and as a maintenance routine or to target certain digestive issues.

If you are constipated, bloated, experience chronic fatigue, have acne problems, suffer from headaches and migraines, have been exposed to toxins including many kinds of medications, or just want to cleanse the colon, then you should try colon therapy.

Colonics are designed to promote colon health naturally without harmful medications. Colonics are designed to promote colon health naturally without harmful medications. A healthy gut is also linked to better moods, a better immune system, improved total body health, and may aid in reducing depression and anxiety. Colon Hydrotherapy is most effective when paired with a healthy lifestyle!

Closed System: At the beginning of your session, you will be taken into the colon hydrotherapy room. Your therapist will do a thorough consult and walk you through the process, instructing you on how to insert the nozzle yourself and how the system works. To make sure you fully understand and feel safe. After giving you instructions, the therapist will begin the session facilitating the session, through a series of fills and releases. After 30- 40 mins the therapist will remove the speculum and leave the room so you may have privacy so you may release the excess fecal matter and water on the toilet.

Open System: At the beginning of your session, you will be taken into the colon hydrotherapy room. Your therapist will do a thorough consult and walk you through the process, instructing you on how to insert the nozzle yourself and how the system works. To make sure you fully understand and feel safe. After giving you instructions, the therapist will leave the room and you will disrobe from the waist down, sit on the system, insert the nozzle and cover from the waist down with the provided blanket. You will then call the therapist with the call button that is on the system and the therapist will begin the session. Water will flow from the nozzle into the colon causing the process of peristalsis to begin and you will naturally eliminate waste into the system. The therapist will make sure you are taken care of during the entire session while also allowing times of privacy.

Every person’s health goals are different, and the number of sessions depends on the individual. It takes more than one session to cleanse your system. After all, you have had the same colon since birth, and it has taken years to get your body in the state it is in now. Most people benefit from a series of six sessions. After your first session, the colon hydrotherapist will discuss what is recommended for you. Colonics can be used as part of any regular maintenance program.
Our staff is certified by the International Association for Colon Hydrotherapy (I-ACT) and Wendy Sebastian has a B.S. in Nutrition Science.
Refresh Your Soul uses the Angel of Water System and Dotolo Toxygen. This system is an FDA-registered colonic system. We maintain the highest levels of sanitation as per the manufacturer. The system is sanitized before and after every session, and only disposable nozzles are used.
Colonics cannot be administered under the following circumstances: congestive heart failure, intestinal perforation, carcinoma of the rectum, fissures or fistula, severe hemorrhoids, abdominal hernia, renal insufficiency, recent colon or rectal surgery, abdominal surgery, pregnancy or cirrhosis.
We recommend increased water intake for at least 2-3 days prior to your colonic. We recommend not eating or drinking at least 2 hours prior to your appointment. Eliminating processed foods, and increasing fruit and vegetable consumption will increase the effectiveness of your session. For more detail please refer to the Refresh Your Souls Prep Guide.
Yes! In fact, many clients find it helpful to support the body’s natural cleansing cycle.

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